Our trip in English


We are six : two parents and four children, beautiful, joung, intelligent and brave, as you can imagine. Didier (the father), Valérie (the mother), Lilian (the older child), Maïté (the daughter), Joris (the youger) and Arnaud (the yougest child).

Here is the description of our project that has done Lilian for his school :

  1. Australia
  2. New Zealand
  3. Organization

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One year's travel

The 23th july we will arrive in Australia by plane, after 26 hours and 2 stops : London in Great Britain and Singapur in Malaysia. We will stay here the winter and the spring (for the australians). After (mid-january 2002) we will take again the plane to go to New Zealand where we will spend the rest of our trip. We will come back in France about the 15th july 2002.

Our target is to discover these two countries, in bicycle and camping.

Here is a brief description of these two countries :



The Australia has about 18,3 millions of inhabitants. There are 2 persons per km2. The country is big as 14 times the France. The animals are not the same as in France. For example : dingos, kangaroos, parrots, "ornithorynques" (the only mammals to lay egs and to have a beak), crocodiles... are not living in France.

The first inhabitants of Australia are nammed "aborigines". They are present in Australia at least for 53 000 years. But the european settlers have get rid of them (illness, separation,...) when they arrived in Australia from the 17th to the 19th century. The inhabitants are called "Australian".

Its area is 7 700 000 km2 while France's area is only 550 000 km2. Its capital is Canberra but the two biggest cities are  Sydney and Melbourne.

A few remarkable points :

the Ayers Rock, one of the marvels of the world

the red desert, one of the most arid in the world

the eucalyptus forest with koalas

the biggest barrier reef of the world

the surfing beaches

and the australian beer and wine too...


The New Zealand

The New Zealand is divided in two islands. They are nammed the South Island and the North Island. We count there more sheeps than people : there is about 20 sheeps per inhabitant. This country has 3,8 millions of inhabitants. You can so calculate the number of sheeps...

The area of the New Zealand is 268 000 km2. Its capitale is Wellington (at the south of the North Island), but the biggest city is Auckland.The area of the New Zealand is 268 000 km2. Its capitale is Wellington (at the south of the North Island), but the biggest city is Auckland.

The inhabitants are nammed New Zealanders. The first inhabitants from New Zealand are the Maoris, They came from Polynesia 4000 years ago. They are now only 11% of the whole population.

A few remarkable points :

Volcanoes and geysers of the North Island

Glaciers and mountains of the South Island, with in particular the west coast which is the rainiest area of the world

The kiwis, kind of bird which have lost its wings because they had no predators. These birds have a very long beak.

The All Blacks (Rugby)


Our trip's organization

A travel in "cyclocamping", it is a riding trip on bicycle, taking on our bicycles all the luggages that we need : tent, sleeping bag, airbed, stove, food, clothes, flask, books, toys...

To learn FRENCH...COURAGE ! :

"Nous sommes 6 personnes réparties sur 2 tandems (papa avec Arnaud, maman avec Joris) et 2 vélos (Lilian et Maïté). Chacun portent des sacoches en fonction de ses forces. Personnellement, j'aurais 5 sacoches (sacoche de guidon, 2 sacoches devant, 2 sacoches derrière, sans oublier le duvet sur le porte-bagage arrière).

Nous devrons porter un casque (c'est obligatoire dans ces 2 pays), des gants cyclistes, un cuissard (short avec peau de chamois à l'intérieur pour ne pas avoir mal aux fesses), et des baskets.

Nous ferons autour de 50 km par jour, mais on ne roulera pas tous les jours. On a prévu de faire à peu près 4 semaines de vélo suivies de 2 semaines de repos, et ainsi de suite.

Pendant que nous serons à vélo, papa et maman nous feront les cours, ainsi que lorsqu'on aura planté la tente. Mais pendant les 2 semaines de repos, nous essaierons de trouver une école néo-zélandaise ou australienne pour suivre les cours. Nous emmènerons avec nous des livres de français, maths, histoire-géo... Et on complétera tous ces cours par la pratique de l'anglais (avec accent australien!).

Nous essaierons de vous envoyer des messages par internet ou d'envoyer des lettres à notre école."


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